- Fields “Company or title” and “Studio” are used to rank measurements in a structure title/studio/date, date being automaticcaly written. So you can check evolution of performances in time and see any degradation. Important : do not use of company name for which you have no rights, your account may be terminated without notice.
- Field “Reference” : a folder with this field will be created. For home users with just one audio system, you may leave this field empty or fill with “home” or “listening room” or “without correction”, “with correction”, aso. For companies with more than one studio, you may enter the Studio name. If you want to upload more than one measurement, it is better to do it in different folders, this way graphs will be easier to read. You can hide your measurements to other users if you add “PRIVATE” in upper cases into your reference field,
- Accents and special characters are not allowed in most of the fields. Allowed characters are alphabets, numbers, space and underscore (_). No space or _ at start or end and no consecutive spaces or underscore.
- In “Volume” and “Distance”, just put the value ie “2.5” (ie the “m” in 2m is not allowed !)
- When a field is red because it is not correct, do not try to go on upload : correct the field before
- Field to choose Test/Measure/Correction : “Test” allows to verify if the record is valid to give correct measurements, even if you bought no plan.
- “New correction” is possibility to keep all values of the form and just change “Timbre target” and/or “LF target” to reprocess. You may want to change the record name so not to loose old corrections and be able to compare.
- For other fields, have a look at other FAQs.
- It is important to fill the form with no field in red and save it before to upload your recording. Otherwise you won’t get your graphs processed !
- And remember that all your fields values are saved for next time, so less work for you for future measurements !