Target curve, timbre target, LF target

Following fields are needed for the calculation of your optimised target curve :

  • Field “Target curve” : “Auto music” is recommended for home HiFi and pro music studios. For calibration of theaters or mixing rooms, SMPTE targets maybe be used with a choice depending on room size. Other possibilities are AES and B&K bin some cases. The new “Dolby Atmos Music” target has been added to comply to Dolby Home Entertainment specifications.
  • “Timbre target” (only valid if “Auto music” is choosen) : the standard “Balanced” can be adjusted on user preferences to Bright (sharp, more high frequencies) or Warm (darker, more low frequencies). Difference to “Balanced” is a slope of approximatively +-0.3dB/oct (exact value depends on measurements,  distances and directivity) so nearly +2dB at 10kHz for “Sharp” and -2dB at 10kHz for “Warm”. If those standard “bright, balanced, warm” don’t exactly fit your needs, you may ajust by modifying your volume or distance values : increase volume or decrease distance brings you more in direct sound so targets change a bit to more “bright”.
  • “LF target” (only valid if “Auto music”  or “Auto cinema” is choosen) : low frequency target is defined by cutoff frequency and level under 100Hz ie  “409” means a 40Hz cut and +9dB level. Level at cutoff freq and at 130Hz is 0.5*max level. As LF target Auto is optimised for both speakers together (L+R) but relative to L and R separated, so to get a flat response for each separated channels, choose a value ending with 0 (ie 400 or 600), because L+R in low frequencies gives nearly +3 or 4 dB (or +6dB for a common subwoofer) compared to response of L or R separated. With lower taps value (ie 3072 or less), to get expected response (see simulations in p7)  better use 100/103/106 values to avoid adding a cutoff to the correction already limited by number of taps. Please note that before 24/08/24, the target was given for L+R, now it is for each channel separated, ie if you choose 603 before, now you would choose 600.

After the target curve is calculated, it is available in ‘My measurements’ as ‘target.drc’ so you may use this target for other purposes or in another correction software.

Read more on this topic here.