Performance rating

For many people, most curves and graphs are not so easy to understand so some of you have asked about a simple performance rating. We have tested the ratings proposed by Sean Olive in AES papers 6113 and 6190 but for some reasons, it was not totally satisfying. Those ratings are based on anechoic room measurements extended to Predicted In Room results. With our method, we only measure InRoom values and we have to quantify performance based only on those real measurements.

We get the score from three main factors :

  • SM_IRR SMoothness of InRoom Response between 125 and 11500Hz : the proposal of Olive is not very intuitive (Pearson coefficient) and this value is not used by us
  • NBD Narrow Band Deviation of InRoom Response between 125 and 11500Hz (6.5 octaves) : measured surface difference between 1/20th octave curve and 1/2 octave curve, so it is not related to target and general slope
  • WBD Wide Bandwidth Deviation of frequency response from target curve : it is a value based on area difference (so related to variance) between the measured response and the target response between 125 and 11500Hz
  • LFD Low Frequencies Deviation is based on area difference between the measured response and the target response between 25 and 125Hz (2 octaves) but calculated on a linear frequency scale. We use a linear scale because we consider that problems at the high part of this frequency range are more audible and problematic than at the vey low frequencies. Note that this low frequencies target is flat under 80Hz, so it not not exactly same as the LF target defined in the Upload form
  • please notice that the displayed mean value is the lowest of L and R values or L, C and R in case of multichannel

Global performance rating = 0.25*NBD + 0.4*WBD + 0.35*LFD
It is important to understand that the rating is only based on measured amplitude response and is missing other factors that may influence audible quality : max levels, directivity, distortions, phase and time response, etc… So be carefull when you compare ratings of different systems, ie the highest may not be the best ! But comparing results before/after equalisation/correction is certainly valid.