Download the sound file in stereo or multichannel, link is on page upload
This file can be written on a CD or DVD or streamed by a computer or added to a DAW session (Protools, Nuendo, Pyramix,…)
Play the file in stereo on your loudspeakers and record simultaneously with your microphone.
- start recording and then playing just after : there is a 5s starting silence so you have time to get to the listening position
- keep the mic fixed at listening position : sync bong is followed by 3s left sweep and right sweep. Sweep signal is a sine signal which frequency is changing from very low to highest frequencies
- voice «move mic to left » : place the mic fixed at about 30cm left to listening position, signal will be a 10s sweep on left followed by a sweep on right and a sweep of both channels together
- «move mic to right » : place the mic fixed at about 30cm right to LP, sweep on left followed by sweep on right and a sweep of both channels together
- «slowly move mic » : slowly move mic in a volume of about 1m3 around listening place : pink noise 20s on left channel, 20s on right channel, 10s of correlated noise on both channels followed by 10s of pink noise with phase between channels. In larger rooms, you can move mic in a larger volume : 1/5th of each dimension is a guideline.
- do not stop while playing or recording : the file has to be played and recorded in one pass