Files to download
The audio files to download and play are named by convention : LA2v4 means Loudspeakers.Audio file, for 2 channels (stereo), version 4. And so on for LA51v4, LA71v4, LA712v4, LA714v4,….
The audio files to download and play are named by convention : LA2v4 means Loudspeakers.Audio file, for 2 channels (stereo), version 4. And so on for LA51v4, LA71v4, LA712v4, LA714v4,….
Please do not uploads many recorded files one after the other : this could bring to problems of mixing wrong form with wrong record due to uploads time. Do your recording, upload corresponding record, do another recording and upload after.
Please do not use upload an old record you have done with an old audio file : compatibility is not assured and it’s better to download latest file and do a new recording to benefit from latest improvements