The whole procedure gives a calculation of the so-called “house curve”. It is based on the recording itself (ie the calculated frequency dependant reverberation time) but also on parameters you entered in the form : room volume, distance, directivities. Note that if you choose SMPTE, AES or B&K curves, those will directly be used as targets and no calculation adapted to your own setup (in this case, LF and timbre target won’t be used)
To suit your needs, you can choose “Auto music” and adjust the target with Timbre target and LF target :
- LF target choice between 100 to 806
- Timbre target bright/balanced/warm
Those choices you can set on the Upload recording form. The timbre target slopes are not fixed but depend on your measurement. If you know that your loudspeakers are quite neutral from a high quality manufacturer, and you are quite happy with the overall soud balance, we would suggest to choose the target that is the nearest to your measured curve, ie here the “balanced” one.