Target curve, timbre target, LF target

Les champs suivants sont utilisés pour le calcul de la courbe cible :

  • Field “Target curve” : “Auto music” is recommended for home HiFi and pro music studios. For calibration of theaters or mixing rooms, SMPTE targets maybe be used with a choice depending on room size. Other possibilities are AES and B&K bin some cases. The new “Dolby Atmos Music” target has been added to comply to Dolby Home Entertainment specifications.
  • “Timbre target” (only valid if “Auto music” is choosen) : the standard “Balanced” can be adjusted on user preferences to Bright (sharp, more high frequencies) or Warm (darker, more low frequencies). Difference to “Balanced” is a slope of approximatively +-0.3dB/oct (exact value depends on measurements,  distances and directivity) so nearly +2dB at 10kHz for “Sharp” and -2dB at 10kHz for “Warm”. If those standard “bright, balanced, warm” don’t exactly fit your needs, you may ajust by modifying your volume or distance values : increase volume or decrease distance brings you more in direct sound so targets change a bit to more “bright”.
  • “LF target” (only valid if “Auto music”  or “Auto cinema” is choosen) : low frequency target is defined by cutoff frequency and level under 100Hz ie  “409” means a 40Hz cut and +9dB level. Level at cutoff freq and at 130Hz is 0.5*max level. As LF target Auto is optimised for both speakers together (L+R) but relative to L and R separated, so to get a flat response for each separated channels, choose a value ending with 0 (ie 400 or 600), because L+R in low frequencies gives nearly +3 or 4 dB (or +6dB for a common subwoofer) compared to response of L or R separated. With lower taps value (ie 3072 or less), to get expected response (see simulations in p7)  better use 100/103/106 values to avoid adding a cutoff to the correction already limited by number of taps. Please note that before 24/08/24, the target was given for L+R, now it is for each channel separated, ie if you choose 603 before, now you would choose 600.

Après calcul de la courbe cible, celle-ci est disponible dans le dossier "correction" sous le nom target.drc et peut être utilisée dans un autre logiciel de correction.

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